By: Isaac Bitrus
It is clear that Sen Ishaku Abbo has lost sense of reasoning and direction to the extent of insulting leaders in the Christendom. It is a slap in the face of a right thinking person to keep silence while Senator Abbo keep disrespecting the Church.
Seriously speaking, I am still thinking and asking myself if really Sen Ishaku Abbo is a Christian. A young man that is coming up with such dirty lifestyle, a young man who has no shame and decorum, a young man that does not have respect for elders and of course a young man that his way of life is already a disgrace not only to the Church but the society in general.
Sen Ishaku Abbo should know that Bishop Stephen Dami Mamza is not a politician and will never be one. The Bishop is one of the respected men in the society. Why on earth will Sen Abbo attacked the body of Christ and drag it’s leadership in the mud. Is Abbo really okay upstair or need to be schooled on African cultures?
As far as I am concerned, Abbo is a misplaced opportunity to his people, the Adamawa citizens and of course Nigeria as whole. Misplaced opportunity because he does not know what being a “Senator” is. Abbo is a total disgrace in the National Assembly, the earlier the better, his colleagues should take him to the psychiatric for check up
Bishop Mamza categorically told him that he should go and sort himself out with his political colleagues, because the CAN Chairman will never involved himself in any politics. For goodness sake, what is wrong with CAN Chairman statement? This Abbo is really a mad man that can’t comprehend simple English, I will advise, he go back to school and do the needful. It is clear that SCHOOL WENT THROUGH ABBO, NOT HIM WENT THROUGH THE SCHOOL. This is very unfortunate for young people because Abbo has failed the younger generation with his behavioral acts.
One thing for Sure, the CAN Chairman will never join issues with Abbo, because Abbo has proved himself to be a juvenile, Abbo can’t think straight. Abbo is into serious problem because his act neither portray the act of the faith he is claiming neither African culture.
Sen Abbo should know that people elected him to represent them at the Red Chamber to defend their interest. They didn’t elect him to be reigning insult to elders in the community. Abbo should as soon as possible humble himself and apologize to the Christian leaders before it will be too late for him. Certainly, time is coming that he will regret his childish attitude.
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