The Bachama Traditional Council has received information about the sad loss of an elder and Octogenarian and one of the longest and most patriotic local heroes of the land and time, Elder Emmanuel Gyaru Nguda.

Until his death, he was the sarkin baka of Mbula Chiefdom whose sad incidence occurred on the 1st October 2021.

His Royal Majesty Homun Dr. Daniel Shaga Ismaila ( OON) Kpawo Nomwe, Gilongo Diya, Hama Bachama and the Bachama Traditional Council is saddened by this development and has directed the Secretary of the Bachama traditional Council to convey condolences to the entire Mbula Chiefdom but especially to the immediate family of the deceased.

The Hama Bachama and the Bachama traditional Council pray that God will comfort His Royal Highness and the Mbula Chiefdom and also pray that God will grant the departed, eternal rest

A statement by the Secretary of the Bachama traditional Council Ambrose F. Tanyishi says, Elder Emmanuel Ngyaru will be greatly missed.